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Game Accessibility Suite: CAT/CATCmdLine.h Source File


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00001 /// \file CATCmdLine.h
00002 /// \brief Utility class for command-line parsing
00003 /// \ingroup CAT
00004 ///
00005 /// Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Michael Ellison.
00006 /// See COPYING.txt for the \ref gaslicense License (MIT License).
00007 ///
00008 // $Author: mikeellison $
00009 // $Date: 2008-01-12 11:38:12 -0600 (Sat, 12 Jan 2008) $
00010 // $Revision:   $
00011 // $NoKeywords: $
00013 #ifndef _CATCmdLine_H_
00014 #define _CATCmdLine_H_
00016 #include "CATInternal.h"
00017 #include "CATStringTable.h"
00019 class CATCmdLine;
00021 /// Callback prototype for command line arguments.
00022 ///
00023 /// \param  cmdLinePtr   Ptr to calling command line object
00024 /// \param  userParam    User defined param (this-> or similar context)
00025 /// \return CATResult    If a callback returns an error, other callbacks
00026 ///                      will not be called.
00027 typedef CATResult (*CATCMDFUNC)(CATCmdLine*      cmdLinePtr,
00028                                 void*            userParam);
00030 /// CATCMDLINEARG is the entry format used for the table that must be created
00031 /// and passed to CATCmdLine::Initialize to enable it to parse a command line.
00032 ///
00033 /// Each command entry is one of the following:
00034 ///  -# Operand - A command with no switch preceeding it.
00035 ///  -# Switch  - A command that starts with a '/' or '-' and is proceeded by
00036 ///               a single character. Multiple switches may follow a single
00037 ///               '/' or '-' on the command line.
00038 ///  -# Switch w/Arg - A switch, like the above, but with an argument after it.
00039 ///               The switch and argument must be seperated by a space.
00040 ///
00041 /// Tables should begin with an operand for the executable itself, and end 
00042 /// with an entry where CmdSwitch is -1.
00043 ///
00044 /// Operands MUST have the following:
00045 ///  -# CmdSwitch must be 0
00046 ///  -# TakesArg must be false.
00047 ///  -# ArgOptDescId must be a short (single word) description of the operand.
00048 ///
00049 /// If a switch takes and argument, ArgOptDescId should be valid. Otherwise it should
00050 /// be 0.
00051 ///
00052 /// CmdGroup specifies a group of entries that are mutually exclusive.
00053 /// A CmdGroup of 0 indicates that the command is *not* part of a group.
00054 /// Any entries sharing the same CmdGroup value are in the same group. 
00055 ///
00056 /// Entries and CmdGroup IDs should be in order.
00057 ///
00058 /// If a CmdGroup is required, set the Required flag on all entries. Otherwise,
00059 /// do not set the flag on *any* entries.
00060 ///
00061 struct CATCMDLINEARG
00062 {
00063     CATWChar        CmdSwitch;     ///< 0 indicates operand, -1 indicates end of table.
00064     CATInt32        CmdGroup;      ///< Specifies mutually exclusive cmd group.
00065     CATBool         Required;      ///< If true, the argument is required.
00066     CATBool         TakesArg;      ///< must be false for operands, otherwise true if switch takes arg
00067     CATCMDFUNC      Callback;      ///< optional callback function
00068     CATUInt32       SwitchFlag;    ///< optional flag to set for argument, \see CATCmdLine::GetSwitchFlags()
00069     CATResult       ArgOptDescId;  ///< ID of string for argument/operand description
00070     CATResult       DescriptionId; ///< ID of string for verbose description of operand/argument
00071 };
00073 /// \class CATCmdArg
00074 /// \brief Helper class for \ref CATCmdLine to hold individual parsed command line
00075 ///        arguments and switches.
00076 /// \ingroup CAT
00077 class CATCmdArg
00078 {
00079     public:
00080         /// Constructor for CATCmdArg.
00081         /// \param cmdSwitch Parsed switch value.
00082         CATCmdArg  (CATWChar cmdSwitch);
00083        ~CATCmdArg  ( );
00085         /// Sets the argument string value.
00086         /// \param argument The parsed argument string for the switch.        
00087         void                SetArg     ( const CATWChar*       argument );
00089         /// Retrieves the argument string value, if any.
00090         /// \return  const CATWChar*   String value of argument, or 0 if none.
00091         const CATWChar*     GetArg     ();
00093         /// Retrieves the switch character for the argument.
00094         /// \return CATWChar switch character.
00095         CATWChar            GetSwitch  ();
00097     protected:
00098         CATWChar            fSwitch;    ///< Parsed switch
00099         CATWChar*           fArg;       ///< Argument for switch, if any. 0 if not.
00100 };
00102 /// \class CATCmdLine
00103 /// \brief Generic command line parser
00104 /// \ingroup CAT
00105 ///
00106 /// CATCmdLine takes the command line (in argc/argvw format - using Wide Characters!)
00107 /// and parses it out into switches, arguments, and operands based on the passed-in table.
00108 ///
00109 /// You can query it after parsing, or just set it up to call your callback functions
00110 /// during the parse.
00111 ///
00112 /// To use:
00113 ///   -# First call Initialize(), passing the table and app information in.
00114 ///   -# Call Parse() with the command information to parse.
00115 ///   -# Check the return value from Parse(). If all is good, it will be 0.
00116 ///   -# Query the parsed data if desired.
00117 ///   -# Optionally, call RunParsedCallbacks() to execute any callbacks
00118 ///      for commands received on the command line.  If a callback returns an
00119 ///      error, no other callbacks will be called and RunParsedCallbacks() will
00120 ///      return that error.
00121 ///   -# You may go back to step 1 or 2 if desired to parse additional command lines.
00122 ///   -# Call Uninitialize 
00123 ///      (optional - will be called on initialized objects during destructor)
00124 ///
00125 /// See \CATCMDLINEARG for the format of the table.
00126 class CATCmdLine
00127 {
00128     public:
00129                            CATCmdLine ( );
00130         virtual           ~CATCmdLine ( );
00132         /// \brief Initialize the command parser.
00133         ///
00134         /// \param prefaceId    Preface string to print at start of usage.
00135         /// \param cmdTable     Application's command line parsing table.
00136         ///                     This may be built on the fly and deleted after 
00137         ///                     initialization if desired.        
00138         /// \param stringTable  Application's string table. This is expected to
00139         ///                     be around for the lifetime of the command parser object.
00140         /// \param languageId   Current language Id to use
00141         /// \return CATResult   CAT_SUCCESS on success.
00142         CATResult          Initialize  ( CATResult            prefaceId,                                         
00143                                          const CATCMDLINEARG* cmdTable,                                         
00144                                          CATStringTable*      stringTable,
00145                                          CATLangId            languageId = CATLANG_EN);
00147         /// Uninitializes the command parser.        
00148         /// This may be done manually, or will be called on destruction if needed.
00149         void               Uninitialize( );
00151         /// \brief Parse a command line.
00152         /// Parsed data will overwrite previously parsed information.
00153         ///
00154         /// \param  argc      Number of arguments on command line
00155         /// \param  argvw     Command line in array form.                
00156         ///
00157         /// \todo
00158         /// Need to add verification of results to Parsing
00159         CATResult          Parse       ( CATInt32             argc, 
00160                                          CATWChar**           argvw);
00162         /// \brief Execute any callbacks specified by the table on
00163         /// the most recently parsed data.
00164         ///
00165         /// You *must* call Parse() prior to using this function!
00166         ///
00167         /// \param  cbParam   Parameter to be sent on function callbacks, if any.
00168         /// \return CATResult CAT_SUCCESS on success.
00169         CATResult          RunParsedCallbacks(void*           cbParam = 0);
00171         /// \brief Prints the usage information for the app based on the table
00172         /// provided during initialization.
00173         /// \param maxColumns  Max columns to print (e.g. screen width)
00174         CATResult          PrintUsage   ( CATInt32            maxColumns = 80);
00176         /// \brief Returns true if the switch was present on the command line
00177         ///
00178         /// \param cmdSwitch   Character switch to check
00179         /// \return CATBool    true if set on cmd line, false otherwise.
00180         CATBool            IsSwitchSet  ( CATWChar            cmdSwitch);
00182         /// \brief Returns the argument (if any) for the switch specified on 
00183         /// the command line.
00184         ///
00185         /// \param  cmdSwitch        Character switch to check
00186         /// \return const CATWChar*  Ptr to argument or 0 if none.
00187         const CATWChar*    GetArgument  ( CATWChar            cmdSwitch);
00189         /// \brief Returns the argument (if any) for the switch specified on
00190         /// the command line after converting to an unsigned integer.
00191         ///
00192         /// Note: will accept hex or octal, per wcstoul.
00193         ///
00194         /// \param  cmdSwitch    Character switch to check
00195         /// \return CATUInt32    Unsigned integer argument. 0 if not found.
00196         CATUInt32          GetArgUInt   ( CATWChar            cmdSwitch);
00198         /// \brief Returns the argument (if any) for the switch specified on
00199         /// the command line after converting to a signed integer.
00200         ///
00201         /// Note: will accept hex or octal, per wcstol.
00202         ///
00203         /// \param  cmdSwitch    Character switch to check
00204         /// \return CATInt32     Signed integer argument. 0 if not found.
00205         CATInt32           GetArgInt    ( CATWChar            cmdSwitch);
00207         /// \brief Retrieves the number of operands received on the command line.
00208         /// 
00209         /// \return CATUInt32    Number of operands (unswitched commands)
00210         CATUInt32          GetNumOps    ( );
00212         /// \brief Retrieves an operand's string value by index
00213         ///
00214         /// \param  index               Operand index
00215         /// \return const CATWChar*     Operand value from command line
00216         const CATWChar*    GetOpByIndex ( CATUInt32           index);
00219         /// \brief Retrieves an operand's string value by it's DescriptionId
00220         /// in the command table.
00221         ///
00222         /// \param  descId           DescriptionId from command table
00223         /// \return const CATWChar*  Operand value from command line
00224         const CATWChar*    GetOpByDescId( CATResult           descId);
00226         /// \brief Retrieves the flags set by switches/operands that
00227         /// are present. 
00228         ///
00229         /// Values of flags are set in the table in SwitchFlag.
00230         /// 
00231         /// \return CATUInt32 All switch flags from command line OR'd together.
00232         CATUInt32          GetSwitchFlags();
00233     protected:
00234         /// \brief Internal function to get the printed length of a command
00235         /// while printing usage information.
00236         ///
00237         /// \param  index     Command index in table
00238         /// \return CATInt32  Length of text to print command
00239         /// \sa PrintUsage()
00240         CATInt32           GetCmdLength ( CATUInt32           index);
00242         /// \brief Internal function to print a command from the command table.        
00243         ///
00244         /// \param  index     Command index in table
00245         /// \return CATInt32  Length of text to print command
00246         /// \sa PrintUsage()
00247         CATInt32           PrintCmdEntry( CATUInt32           index);
00249         /// \brief Internal function to determine if a command is in a 
00250         /// mutually exclusive command group, and if so - if it
00251         /// is the first or last in the group.
00252         ///
00253         /// \param   index   Index of the command
00254         /// \param   isFirst Set to true on return if it is the first
00255         ///                  command in a group with > 1 members.
00256         /// \param   isLast  Set to true on return if it is the last
00257         ///                  command in a group with > 1 members.
00258         /// \return  CATBool Returns true if it is in a group with > 1 members.
00259         CATBool            IsCmdInGroup (  CATUInt32          index,
00260                                            CATBool&           isFirst,
00261                                            CATBool&           isLast);               
00262     protected:
00263         CATUInt32           fSwitchFlags; ///< OR'd combination of all switch flags found during parse
00264         CATBool             fInitialized; ///< Has Initialize() been called?
00265         CATStringTable*     fStringTable; ///< String table to get strings from
00266         CATLangId           fLangId;      ///< Language Id (CATLANG_EN default)
00267         CATResult           fPrefaceId;   ///< String id of preface for PrintUsage()
00269         std::vector<CATCMDLINEARG> fCmdTable;    ///< List of commands
00270         std::vector<CATCmdArg*>    fArguments;   ///< List of parsed arguments
00271         std::vector<CATWChar*>     fOperands;    ///< List of parsed operands
00272 };
00274 #endif //_CATCmdLine_H_

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