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00001 /// \file CATResultCore.h 00002 /// \brief Core result codes for CAT library 00003 /// \ingroup CAT 00004 /// 00005 /// Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Michael Ellison. 00006 /// See COPYING.txt for the \ref gaslicense License (MIT License). 00007 /// 00008 // $Author: mikeellison $ 00009 // $Date: 2008-01-23 06:02:38 -0600 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) $ 00010 // $Revision: $ 00011 // $NoKeywords: $ 00012 00013 #ifndef _CATResultCore_H_ 00014 #define _CATResultCore_H_ 00015 00016 #include "CATResult.h" 00017 00018 enum 00019 { 00020 CAT_STAT_FILE_AT_EOF = CAT_STATUS+1, ///< The file is at EOF 00021 CAT_STAT_MULTIPLE_PROCS, ///< Multiple matching processes found. 00022 CAT_STAT_PATH_NO_FILE, ///< No filename present. 00023 CAT_STAT_PATH_NO_DIRECTORY, ///< No directory present. 00024 CAT_STAT_PATH_IS_DIRECTORY, ///< The path is a directory. 00025 CAT_STAT_PATH_IS_FILE, ///< The path is a file. 00026 CAT_STAT_PROMPT_OK, ///< OK 00027 CAT_STAT_PROMPT_YES, ///< Yes 00028 CAT_STAT_PROMPT_NO, ///< No 00029 CAT_STAT_PROMPT_CANCEL, ///< Cancel 00030 CAT_STAT_IN_PROGRESS, ///< Progress 00031 CAT_STAT_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED, ///< Image already loaded. 00032 CAT_STAT_CONTROL_IMAGE_SIZE_MISMATCH, ///< Image size mismatch in control. 00033 CAT_STAT_SKIN_WINDOW_ALREADY_OPEN, ///< Window already open. 00034 00035 // Add new status values above here 00036 CAT_STR_EMPTY = CAT_STRING+1, ///< (Empty string) 00037 CAT_STR_USAGE, ///< Usage: 00038 CAT_STR_HELPDESC, ///< Display Help. 00039 00040 // Add new string values above here 00041 CAT_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = CAT_ERROR+1, ///< Feature not yet implemented. 00042 CAT_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ///< File not found. 00043 CAT_ERR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PROCESS, ///< Unable to open process. 00044 CAT_ERR_REMOTE_ALLOC_RAM, ///< Unable to allocate memory in remote process. 00045 CAT_ERR_REMOTE_WRITE, ///< Unable to write to remote process. 00046 CAT_ERR_REMOTE_CREATE_THREAD, ///< Unable to create a thread in the remote process. 00047 CAT_ERR_REMOTE_THREAD_TIMEOUT, ///< Remote thread timed out. 00048 CAT_ERR_REMOTE_THREAD_INVALID_EXIT, ///< Remote thread exited with an error. 00049 CAT_ERR_PROCESS_CREATE, ///< Error creating process 00050 CAT_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, ///< Invalid parameter 00051 CAT_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ///< Out of memory 00052 CAT_ERR_FILE_OPEN, ///< Error opening file. 00053 CAT_ERR_FILE_READ, ///< Error reading from file 00054 CAT_ERR_FILE_HAS_OPEN_SUBSTREAMS, ///< Attempting to close a file with open substreams. 00055 CAT_ERR_FILE_NOT_OPEN, ///< The file has not been opened. 00056 CAT_ERR_FILE_UNSUPPORTED_MODE, ///< The requested open mode is not supported. 00057 CAT_ERR_FILE_WRITE, ///< Error writing to file. 00058 CAT_ERR_FILE_GET_POSITION, ///< Error retrieving file position. 00059 CAT_ERR_FILE_SEEK, ///< Error seeking within file. 00060 CAT_ERR_FILE_SET_POSITION, ///< Error setting the file position. 00061 CAT_ERR_OPENING_SUBSTREAM, ///< Opening a substream is not a valid operation. 00062 CAT_ERR_CLOSING_SUBSTREAM, ///< Closing a substream is not a valid operation. 00063 CAT_ERR_SUBSTREAM_NO_PARENT, ///< Substream has no parent. 00064 CAT_ERR_WRITE_PAST_SPECIFIED_END, ///< A write request was made past the end of a substream. 00065 CAT_ERR_SEEK_PAST_SPECIFIED_END, ///< A seek request was made past the end of a substream. 00066 CAT_ERR_STRINGTABLE_NOT_FOUND, ///< Stringtable was not found for removal. 00067 CAT_ERR_CMD_TABLE_INVALID, ///< Invalid command table for command line parsing. 00068 CAT_ERR_CMD_INVALID_SWITCH, ///< Invalid switch on command line. 00069 CAT_ERR_CMD_NO_STRINGTABLE, ///< No string table. 00070 CAT_ERR_PARSE_CALLBACK_ABORT, ///< Callback during cmd line parsing aborted. 00071 CAT_ERR_ENUM_PROCS, ///< An error occurred enumerating processes. 00072 CAT_ERR_NO_MATCHING_PROC, ///< No matching process found. 00073 CAT_ERR_READING_TARGET_EXEC, ///< Error reading target executable. 00074 CAT_ERR_EXE_NOT_PE_FORMAT, ///< Target is not in Portable Executable format. 00075 CAT_ERR_CMDREQ_GROUP, ///< Required command-line group not found. 00076 CAT_ERR_CMDREQ_EXCLUSIVE_GROUP, ///< Multiple options set in exclusive group on command line. 00077 CAT_ERR_CMDREQ_OP, ///< Required operand not found on command line. 00078 CAT_ERR_CMDREQ_SWITCH, ///< Required switch not found on command line. 00079 CAT_ERR_CMD_SWITCH_NO_ARG, ///< A switch on the command line is missing a required argument. 00080 CAT_ERR_UNPATCH_TIMEOUT, ///< Timed out waiting for target process patch. 00081 CAT_ERR_HOOK_PROTECT_FAILED, ///< Setting memory protections failed when hooking function. 00082 CAT_ERR_HOOK_NOT_FOUND, ///< Hook target function not found. 00083 CAT_ERR_HOOK_NOT_ENOUGH_BYTES, ///< Not enough bytes for push/jmp in hook. 00084 CAT_ERR_INTERCEPT_NO_DSOUND, ///< Could not find DirectSound DLL. 00085 CAT_ERR_XML_CREATE_FAILED, ///< Could not create XML object. 00086 CAT_ERR_XML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE, ///< Invalid attribute in XML. 00087 CAT_ERR_XML_PARSER_INVALID_PATH, ///< Invalid XML path. 00088 CAT_ERR_XML_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ///< XML Parser out of memory. 00089 CAT_ERR_XML_INVALID_XML, ///< Invalid XML file. 00090 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_NULL, ///< Null image. 00091 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_INVALID_SUB_POSITION, ///< Invalid sub-image position. 00092 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE, ///< Invalid image size. 00093 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_MUST_INITIALIZE, ///< Must initialize image first. 00094 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_FILL_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ///< Image fill request is out of bounds. 00095 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_OPERATION_INVALID_ON_ROOT, ///< The image operation is invalid on root image. 00096 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_EMPTY, ///< The image is empty. 00097 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE, ///< Out of range of image size. 00098 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_OVERLAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ///< Image overlay out of range. 00099 CAT_ERR_PNG_ERROR_CREATING_READ, ///< Error creating read struct for .png image. 00100 CAT_ERR_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT, ///< Unsupported PNG format - 3 or 4 channel only. 00101 CAT_ERR_IMAGE_UNKNOWN_FORMAT, ///< Unsupported image format. 00102 CAT_ERR_PNG_CORRUPT, ///< .PNG image file is corrupt. 00103 CAT_ERR_PNG_ERROR_CREATING_WRITE, ///< Error creating write struct for .png image. 00104 CAT_ERR_PNG_WARNING, ///< Warning received from .png library. 00105 CAT_ERR_MUTEX_INVALID_HANDLE, ///< Invalid mutex handle. 00106 CAT_ERR_MUTEX_TIMEOUT, ///< Mutex timed out. 00107 CAT_ERR_MUTEX_WAIT_ERROR, ///< error waiting on mutex 00108 CAT_ERR_SIGNAL_INVALID_HANDLE, ///< Invalid handle for signal. 00109 CAT_ERR_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT, ///< Signal timed out. 00110 CAT_ERR_SIGNAL_WAIT_ERROR, ///< Error waiting for signal. 00111 CAT_ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, ///< File already exists 00112 CAT_ERR_PATH_EMPTY, ///< The path is empty. 00113 CAT_ERR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ///< The file does not exist. 00114 CAT_ERR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY, ///< The path is a directory. 00115 CAT_ERR_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ///< The directory does not exist. 00116 CAT_ERR_DIR_IS_FILE, ///< The path is a file. 00117 CAT_ERR_NULL_PARAM, ///< Null parameter. 00118 CAT_ERR_FILESYSTEM_CREATE_DIR, ///< Filesystem is unable to create the directory. 00119 CAT_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ///< The path does not exist. 00120 CAT_ERR_FIND_NO_MATCHES, ///< No matches found. 00121 CAT_ERR_FIND_CALL_FINDFIRST, ///< Must call FindFirst before FindNext. 00122 CAT_ERR_FIND_END, ///< No more matches. 00123 CAT_ERR_SKIN_XPIN_MISUSE, ///< XPos must be positive, XPin must be negative, and Width may not be used for scaled skin controls. 00124 CAT_ERR_SKIN_YPIN_MISUSE, ///< YPos must be positive, YPin must be negative, and Width may not be used for scaled skin controls. 00125 CAT_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY, ///< Queue is empty. 00126 CAT_ERR_FILE_CORRUPTED, ///< File is corrupted. 00127 CAT_ERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED, ///< Access denied to file. 00128 CAT_ERR_EXECUTE_FAILED, ///< Failed to execute file. 00129 CAT_ERR_WINDOW_CLASSREG_FAILED, ///< Window class registration failed. 00130 CAT_ERR_WINDOW_CREATE_FAILED, ///< Window creation failed. 00131 CAT_ERR_STACK_EMPTY, ///< Stack is empty. 00132 CAT_ERR_NO_HELP_AVAILABLE, ///< No help available. 00133 CAT_ERR_FILEOPEN_CANCELLED, ///< File Open dialog was cancelled. 00134 CAT_ERR_FILESAVE_CANCELLED, ///< File Save dialog was cancelled. 00135 CAT_ERR_COMBO_MENU_NOT_FOUND, ///< Combo control is missing a menu. 00136 CAT_ERR_COMBO_EDIT_NOT_FOUND, ///< Combo control is missing an edit box. 00137 CAT_ERR_CONTROL_NO_IMAGE, ///< No image found for control. 00138 CAT_ERR_GUIFACTORY_UNKNOWN_TYPE, ///< GUIFactory - control type not found! 00139 CAT_ERR_LIST_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, ///< Item not found in list. 00140 CAT_ERR_LIST_OUT_OF_RANGE, ///< Item out of range in list. 00141 CAT_ERR_SKIN_WINDOW_NOT_FOUND, ///< Window skin not found. 00142 CAT_ERR_SKIN_WINDOW_NOT_OPEN, ///< Window not open 00143 CAT_ERR_INVALID_TAB, ///< Invalid tab index. 00144 CAT_ERR_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND, ///< Control not found. 00145 CAT_ERR_CMD_NOT_FOUND, ///< Command not found. 00146 CAT_ERR_TREE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, ///< Tree item not found. 00147 CAT_ERR_TREE_INSERT_ERROR, ///< Error inserting item into tree. 00148 CAT_ERR_TREE_REMOVE_ERROR, ///< Error removing item from tree. 00149 CAT_ERR_TREE_SET_ITEM_ERROR, ///< Error setting tree item. 00150 CAT_ERR_IMAGELIST_FAILED, ///< Imagelist failed. 00151 CAT_ERR_PREFS_NO_FILESYSTEM, ///< No filesystem for prefs. 00152 CAT_ERR_STREAM_INVALID, ///< Stream invalid. 00153 CAT_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, ///< Object is not initialized. 00154 //--- add new errors above here 00155 }; 00156 00157 #endif // _CATResultCore_H_