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Game Accessibility Suite: CATControlWnd::OnParentDestroy
void CATControlWnd::OnParentDestroy (  )  [virtual]

OnParentDestroy() is called as the parent window is destroyed.

Controls that create their own windows during OnParentCreate() should destroy them during OnParentDestroy()

Reimplemented from CATControl.

Reimplemented in CATEditBox, CATListBox, and CATTreeCtrl.

Definition at line 206 of file CATControlWnd.cpp.

References fControlWnd, CATControl::GetWindow(), OSCleanup(), and CATWindow::OSDestroyWnd().

Referenced by CATTreeCtrl::OnParentDestroy(), CATListBox::OnParentDestroy(), CATEditBox::OnParentDestroy(), and ~CATControlWnd().

Generated on Mon Feb 11 04:10:24 2008 for Game Accessibility Suite by doxygen 1.5.4