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Game Accessibility Suite: CATListBox::OnParentCreate
void CATListBox::OnParentCreate (  )  [virtual]

OnParentCreate() is called when the parent window is created.

Most controls won't need this, but any that create their own windows should do so at this point.

Reimplemented from CATControlWnd.

Definition at line 81 of file CATListBox_Win32.cpp.

References CATControlWnd::fControlWnd, fFont, CATControl::fFontName, CATControl::fFontSize, CATControl::GetWindow(), CATControlWnd::OnParentCreate(), CATWindow::OSGetFont(), and SetCurSel().

Generated on Mon Feb 11 04:10:42 2008 for Game Accessibility Suite by doxygen 1.5.4