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Game Accessibility Suite: CATWaitDlg Class Reference

CATWaitDlg Class Reference

#include <CATWaitDlg.h>

Inheritance diagram for CATWaitDlg:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Wait dialog.

Definition at line 27 of file CATWaitDlg.h.

Public Member Functions

 CATWaitDlg (CATINSTANCE instance, CATInt32 backgroundBmpId, CATRect &textRect, CATInt32 progressBmpOnId=0, CATInt32 progressBmpOffId=0, CATInt32 progressLeft=0, CATInt32 progressTop=0)
virtual ~CATWaitDlg ()
virtual void StartWait (const CATString &waitMsg, CATWindow *parent=0, bool disableParent=false)
virtual void EndWait (bool force=false)
virtual bool OnClose ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
 OnDestroy() is called just before the OS's window is destroyed.
virtual void SetProgress (CATFloat32 percent)
virtual void SetWaitLabelText (const CATString &waitStr)
virtual CATResult OnEvent (const CATEvent &event, CATInt32 &retVal)
 OnEvent() is called when events occur that we should know about.
CATUInt32 GetDepth ()
bool IsShowing ()
virtual void Draw (CATImage *background, const CATRect &dirtyRect)

Static Protected Member Functions

static unsigned int _stdcall WindowThread (void *param)

Protected Attributes

HANDLE fHandle
CATInt32 fBmpId
CATUInt32 fDepth
CATInt32 fProgBmpOnId
CATInt32 fProgBmpOffId
CATMutex fUpdateLock
CATSignal fDlgReady
 Parent xml object.
bool fDisableParent
bool fAllowClose

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Generated on Mon Feb 11 04:11:10 2008 for Game Accessibility Suite by doxygen 1.5.4