![]() |
#include <CATWindow.h>
Definition at line 99 of file CATWindow.h.
Public Types | |
typedef void(CATWindow::* | GGCOMMANDFUNC )(CATCommand &command, CATControl *control) |
Public Member Functions | |
CATWindow (const CATString &element, const CATString &rootDir) | |
CATWindow() constructor - based off CATXMLObject. | |
virtual | ~CATWindow () |
CATWindow destructor. | |
virtual void | Show (CATWindow *parent=0, CATPOINT *origin=0) |
virtual void | Show (CATWND parentWnd) |
Show as a child with external hwnd.... | |
virtual void | Hide (bool destroy=false) |
virtual bool | IsVisible (const CATGuiObj *child=0) const |
virtual bool | IsPrimary () |
virtual bool | IsOverlapped () |
virtual void | DisplayMessage (const CATString &msg) |
virtual void | DisplayError (const CATResult &result) |
virtual CATResult | DisplayPrompt (const CATString &msg, CATApp::CATPROMPTTYPE prompt) |
CATControl * | FindControlAndVerify (const CATString &controlName, const CATString &typeName, CATUInt32 *index=0) |
CATResult | EnableObject (const CATString &controlName, bool enabled) |
virtual void | MarkDirty (CATRect *dirtyRect=0, bool force=false) |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | Draw (CATImage *background, const CATRect &dirtyRect) |
virtual void | PostDraw (CATDRAWCONTEXT drawContext, const CATRect &dirtyRect) |
virtual void | PostDrawText (const CATString &text, CATDRAWCONTEXT context, const CATRect &textRect, const CATRect &dirtyRect, const CATColor &textColor, const CATString &fontName, CATFloat32 fontSize, bool multiline=false, CATColor *bgColor=0, bool italics=false, bool centered=false, bool autosize=false) |
PostDrawText() draws text from a post-drawn control. | |
virtual void | OnSize (const CATRect &newRect) |
OnSize() is called when the window changes size. | |
virtual CATResult | OnEvent (const CATEvent &event, CATInt32 &retVal) |
OnEvent() is called when events occur that we should know about. | |
virtual void | OnCommand (CATCommand &command, CATControl *ctrl) |
virtual void | OnThreadedCommand (CATCommand &command) |
virtual void | OnDestroy () |
OnDestroy() is called just before the OS's window is destroyed. | |
virtual void | OnCreate () |
OnCreate() is called when a new window is created. | |
virtual bool | OnClose () |
virtual void | OnMove (const CATPOINT &newPos) |
OnMove() is called whenever the window moves. | |
virtual bool | OnMoving (CATRect &moveRect, const CATRect &wndRect) |
virtual CATResult | Load (CATPROGRESSCB progressCB=0, void *progressParam=0, CATFloat32 progMin=0.0f, CATFloat32 progMax=1.0f) |
void | OSSetMouse (const CATPOINT &point, CATCursor &cursor) |
void | SetCursorType (CATCURSORTYPE type) |
SetCursorType() sets the active cursor type for the window. | |
void | OSSetCursor () |
OSSetCursor activates the current cursor. | |
void | OSSetCursor (CATCursor &cursor) |
OSSetCursor for a specific cursor type.. | |
void | OSDrawCursor (CATDRAWCONTEXT context, const CATPOINT &point, CATCursor &cursor) |
CATWND | OSGetWnd () |
virtual CATRect | OSGetWndRect () |
void | OSMinimize () |
void | OSMaximize () |
void | OSWndToScreen (CATInt32 &x, CATInt32 &y) |
void | OSScreenToWnd (CATInt32 &x, CATInt32 &y) |
void | OSSetFocus (CATWND window=0) |
virtual void | OSMoveWnd (const CATRect &rect, CATWND wnd=0) |
virtual void | OSDestroyWnd (CATWND window=0) |
virtual void | SetFocus (CATControl *control) |
virtual void | KillFocus () |
KillFocus() removes the focus from all controls. | |
virtual void | SetFocusNext () |
virtual void | SetFocusPrev () |
virtual CATControl * | GetFocusControl () |
virtual CATResult | RegCtlWnd (CATControlWnd *wndCtl, CATWND wndHandle) |
virtual CATResult | UnRegCtlWnd (CATWND wndHandle) |
virtual CATControlWnd * | GetCtlWnd (CATWND wndHandle) |
virtual CATResult | RectFromAttribs () |
virtual void | SetEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual void | SetActive () |
virtual void | OSHideToolTip () |
virtual bool | IsTemplate () |
virtual void | SetIsTemplate (bool isTemplate) |
virtual CATFONT | AutoFontSize (const CATString &text, CATRect rect, const CATString &fontName, CATFloat32 fontSize, bool bold=false, bool italic=false, bool underlined=false) |
virtual CATFONT | OSGetFont (const CATString &fontName, CATFloat32 fontSize, bool bold=false, bool italic=false, bool underlined=false) |
virtual void | OSReleaseFont (CATFONT &font) |
virtual void | OnMouseWheel (const CATPOINT &point, CATFloat32 wheelMove, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | SetKnobOverride (CATKNOB_STYLE knobStyle) |
virtual void | OnKeyDown (const CATKeystroke &keystroke) |
virtual void | OnKeyUp (const CATKeystroke &keystroke) |
virtual void | OnKeyPress (const CATKeystroke &keystroke) |
virtual void | OnHelp () |
virtual void | CenterWindow (CATWindow *parent) |
virtual CATWindow * | GetWindow () const |
GetWindow() retrieves the parent window. | |
virtual void | WindowToWidget (CATGuiObj *widget, CATPOINT &pt) |
virtual void | WindowToWidget (CATGuiObj *widget, CATRect &rect) |
virtual void | WidgetToWindow (CATGuiObj *widget, CATPOINT &pt) |
virtual void | WidgetToWindow (CATGuiObj *widget, CATRect &rect) |
virtual CATResult | ResetBackground () |
virtual CATResult | OnDropFile (const CATString &filePath) |
virtual void | OnClose (CATCommand &command, CATControl *ctrl) |
virtual void | OnMinimize (CATCommand &command, CATControl *ctrl) |
virtual void | OnMaximize (CATCommand &command, CATControl *ctrl) |
virtual void | OnNoop (CATCommand &command, CATControl *ctrl) |
bool | GetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATString &prefValue) |
bool | GetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATInt32 &prefValue) |
bool | GetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATUInt32 &prefValue) |
bool | GetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATFloat32 &prefValue) |
bool | GetPref (const CATString &prefName, bool &prefValue) |
bool | SetPref (const CATString &prefName, const CATString &prefValue) |
bool | SetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATInt32 prefValue) |
bool | SetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATUInt32 prefValue) |
bool | SetPref (const CATString &prefName, CATFloat32 prefValue) |
bool | SetPref (const CATString &prefName, bool prefValue) |
virtual void | OnBuildMenu (CATMenu *menu) |
CATWND | GetBaseWindow () |
CATResult | PostEvent (CATEvent *event) |
CATResult | PostThreadedCommand (CATCommand &cmd) |
virtual CATRect | GetRectAbs (bool screenCoordinates=false) |
virtual CATControl * | HitTest (const CATPOINT &point) |
virtual CATUInt32 | GetAccessRole () |
virtual CATResult | GetScale (CATFloat32 &xScale, CATFloat32 &yScale) |
void | GetControlStruct (CATFINDCONTROLSTRUCT &ctrlStruct, CATControl *control) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | SetTrackMouse (CATWND hwnd) |
Protected Member Functions | |
CATResult | SendEvent (const CATEvent &event, CATInt32 &lRes) |
CATResult | ProcessCommandTable (CATCommand &cmd, CATControl *control, const GGWINDOWCMDFUNC *cmdTable, CATUInt32 cmdTableLen, bool inThread) |
bool | CalcSlack (CATInt32 &movePos, CATInt32 &opposite, const CATInt32 &dockPos, CATInt32 &slackCounter, bool inside=false) |
virtual CATResult | CleanBackground (CATRect *dirtyRect) |
CleanBackground() cleans the dirty rectangle in the background. | |
virtual CATResult | ParseAttributes () |
ParseAttributes() parses the known attributes for an object. | |
virtual void | OSDraw (CATDRAWCONTEXT drawContext, CATRect *dirtyRect) |
virtual CATOSREGION | OSGenRegion (CATStack< CATRect > &rectStack) |
virtual void | OSFreeRegion (CATOSREGION rgn) |
virtual CATRect | OSGetDockRect () |
virtual CATResult | OSCreateWnd (CATWND wnd=0) |
virtual void | OSShowWnd () |
virtual void | OSShowToolTip (CATControl *toolTip, const CATPOINT &point) |
virtual void | OSUpdateToolTip () |
virtual void | OSBuildToolTips () |
OSBuildToolTips() builds up the initial tool tip window(s) for the window. | |
virtual void | OSHideWnd () |
virtual CATUInt32 | OSGetWindowStyle () |
Retrieve window style indicator based on our parameters for window. | |
virtual void | OSBeginMouseTrack () |
virtual void | OSEndMouseTrack () |
virtual void | OnMouseMove (const CATPOINT &point, bool leftButton, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnMouseHover (const CATPOINT &point, bool leftButton, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnMouseDown (const CATPOINT &point, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnMouseUp (const CATPOINT &point, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnRightMouseDown (const CATPOINT &point, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnRightMouseUp (const CATPOINT &point, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnMouseDoubleClick (const CATPOINT &point, CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | OnMouseLeave () |
virtual void | OnMouseTimer (CATMODKEY modKey) |
virtual void | SetWindowTimer (CATFloat32 frequencyHz) |
virtual void | KillWindowTimer () |
virtual void | OnWindowTimer () |
virtual void | SetStatusBarHint (const CATString &hintText) |
virtual CATString | GetStatusBarHint () |
CATResult | RegWindow () |
void | GGUnregWindow () |
GGUnRegWindow() unregisters the image app's window class. | |
void | PostEventNotification () |
void | ProcessPostedEvent () |
virtual void | OSWaitOnCmdThread () |
void | ThreadedCmdThread () |
Threaded commands. | |
void | OSStartCmdThread () |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static bool | FindControlCallback (CATControl *curControl, void *userParam) |
static bool | GetControlSiblingsCallback (CATControl *curControl, void *userParam) |
static bool | SetKnobCallback (CATControl *curControl, void *userParam) |
Protected Attributes | |
CATString | fStatusBarHint |
CATControl * | fMouseTrackTarget |
CATControl * | fRightTrack |
CATControl * | fActiveControl |
CATControl * | fFocusControl |
bool | fMouseInWindow |
fMouseInWindow is true if the mouse is currently in the window | |
bool | fPrimary |
bool | fSizeable |
fSizeable determines if the window is sizeable. | |
bool | fScale |
CATSIZE | fBaseSize |
Base width/height for scaling NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. | |
bool | fCaptionBar |
fCaptionBar determines if we use an OS-specific caption bar or not | |
bool | fDragAnywhere |
bool | fDragging |
CATPOINT | fDragLastPoint |
CATOSREGION | fPostRegion |
CATImage * | fImageCopy |
CATString | fClassName |
Window class name. This may just be a win32 thing... | |
CATString | fTitle |
Window title - may differ from name. | |
CATString | fIconPath |
Path to icon, if any. | |
HICON | fUserIcon |
CATSkin * | fSkin |
fSkin is the base skin object (the Window's parent) | |
CATWND | fWindow |
fWindow is an OS-specific identifier for the window | |
bool | fUseToolTips |
CATString | fLastTipText |
CATPOINT | fLastTipPos |
CATWND | fToolTip |
fToolTip is an OS-specific identifier for the tooltip window | |
CATControl * | fCurTool |
CATColor | fToolTipFore |
CATColor | fToolTipBg |
bool | fRegistered |
fRegistered is true if the window has been registered | |
CATCursor | fCursor |
fCursor holds the window's current cursor | |
clock_t | fLastMouseUpdate |
CATLabel * | fStatusLabel |
CATPOINT | fLastPoint |
fLastPoint | |
bool | fAutoDock |
fAutoDock - if true, snaps to other windows and edges | |
CATInt32 | fLeftSlack |
Slack counters for docking... | |
CATInt32 | fTopSlack |
CATInt32 | fRightSlack |
CATInt32 | fBottomSlack |
bool | fMaximized |
bool | fIsTemplate |
bool | fIsOverlapped |
std::map< CATWND, CATControlWnd * > | fCWT |
CATQueue< CATEvent * > | fEventQueue |
CATQueue< CATCommand > | fThreadedCmdQueue |
CATSignal | fThreadedCmdSignal |
CATMutex | fThreadedCmdLock |
void * | fCmdThread |
CATMutex | fEventLock |
bool | fExiting |
bool | fExitThread |
CATPOINT | fScreenPos |
Classes | |