![]() |
CAT | |
CAT3DPoint | 3D point, with color and size |
CATAccessible | |
CATApp | Application parent class - derive from this for each app made |
CATAppButton | Specialized pushbutton for launching apps |
CATButton | Momentary push button for GUI |
CATC3DPoint | |
CATCmdArg | Helper class for CATCmdLine to hold individual parsed command line arguments and switches |
CATCmdLine | Generic command line parser |
CATCOLOR | Color structure. Alpha channel - 255 opaque, 0 transparent |
CATColor | Color wrapper class |
CATComboBox | GUI Layer object |
CATCommand | Generalized command construct for tracking commands |
CATControl | Basic Control class |
CATControllerMapper | Maps inputs from a controller to various outputs |
CATControlMap | Maps inputs to outputs |
CATControlWnd | Window / OS based control class - base object for OS dependant controls |
CATCritSec | Defines the interface to critical sections for thread synchronization |
CATCursor | Cursor class for GUI |
CATCurveFit | Fit a curve to a set of points |
CATDIJoystick | |
CATDirectInput | |
CATDirectSoundIntercept | DirectSound function interception |
CATDLLInjector | Collection of utility functions for injecting a DLL into a process |
CATEditBox | Text edit box for GUI |
CATEvent | Evironmental event encapsulation |
CATFileOffset | |
CATFileOffsetSplit | |
CATFileSystem | File utility virtual interface |
CATFileSystem_Win32 | File system functions for Win32 platform |
CATFilter | Parent filtering class for one-dimensional filters |
CATFilterAttackDecay | Attack/Decay filter |
CATFilterEWMA | Exponentially weighted moving average filter (EWMA / Low pass) |
CATFINDCONTROLSTRUCT | Information about a control and its siblings |
CATGUIAccessDefs | Accessibility definitions (states, roles, etc) |
CATGuiFactory | Object factory for creating a GUI from XML |
CATGuiObj | GUI object base class |
CATImage | Base image class |
CATInjectionPropagate | Interception of new process creation with injected dll propagation |
CATIntercept | Function interception class for Win32 |
CATJoystick | |
CATKeystroke | Generic keystroke class |
CATKnob | Knob control for GUI |
CATLabel | Text label for GUI |
CATLayer | |
CATLineFit | Regression to fit a line to a set of points |
CATListBox | List box for GUI \ingroup CATGUI |
CATMatrix | Simple class for matrix operations |
CATMenu | Text label for GUI |
CATMENUITEM | Menu item structure |
CATMsgThread | Message Thread Base Class |
CATMutex | Defines the interface to mutexes for thread synchronization |
CATOpenALIntercept | OpenAL function interception |
CATOverlay | OpenGL image Overlay |
CATOverlayDirect3D9 | Direct3D function interception |
CATOverlayFactory | Object factory for creating a game overlay from XML |
CATOverlayOpenGL | OpenGL image Overlay |
CATPicture | Static picture for GUI |
CATPictureMulti | Multiple pictures (like switch multi, but no mouse interaction) |
CATPlatform | Platform-specific object creation |
CATPoint | 2d point class w/size, mainly for small sets for clarity of code |
CATPOINT | CATPOINT is a simple 2D integer point |
CATPrefs | Preference storage class |
CATProgress | Progress bar for GUI |
CATQueue< T > | Defines a templated queue |
CATQueue< T >::Node< T > | Protected node class for CATQueue |
CATRadioButton | Radio button (grouped) |
CATRect | Rectangles for GUI |
CATScanPoint | Cartesian 3D point, used in 3d scanner and the like. Has color |
CATSignal | Defines an interface for signals (win32 events) for thread syncs |
CATSIZE | CATSIZE is a 2D integer size (width = cx, height = cy) |
CATSkin | Basic windowing class |
CATSlider | Slider control for GUI |
CATSpeechCmds | Speech command input support |
CATStack< T > | Defines a templated stack |
CATStack< T >::Node< T > | Protected node class for CATStack |
CATStats | Basic statistics class |
CATStream | Base interface for streams |
CATStreamFile | Generic file stream class based on STDIO |
CATStreamRAM | Memory-based stream class - acts as a file in RAM |
CATStreamSub | Sub stream class - should work for all seekable stream types |
CATString | String class that supports both char* and unicode/CATWChar types |
CATStringEntry | |
CATStringTable | Base class for string tables for internationalization |
CATStringTableCore | Core string table for CAT library |
CATSwitch | On/Off switch for GUI |
CATSwitchMulti | On/Off switch for GUI |
CATTab | GUI Layer object |
CATThread | Base Thread Class |
CATTimeWarp | Time function interception, made for slowing down video games |
CATTreeCtrl | List box for GUI |
CATWaitDlg | Wait dialog |
CATWidget | GUI Widget object - parent class for all CATGuiObject's below CATWindow |
CATWindow | Basic windowing class |
CATWindowHook | Hooks windows messages in the current app's top-level window |
CATXMLFactory | XML Factory base |
CATXMLObject | XML Object Base |
CATXMLParser | XML PArser |
CBMagInfo | |
GASPilot | |
GASPilotDLL | |
GASPilotGuiFactory | GUI factory for GAS pilot |
GASPilotWindow | |
GASProtoMapper | Prototype input mapping Quick and dirty for quadcontrol - abstract on next round in CATControllerMapper |