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Game Accessibility Suite: CATWindow::OnMouseMove
void CATWindow::OnMouseMove ( const CATPOINT point,
bool  leftButton,
) [protected, virtual]

OnMouseMove() is called each time the mouse moves in the window.

If the mouse is being tracked, it should send the message to the focused control's TrackMouseMove().

point - location of the mouse
leftButton - true if left button is pressed
modKey - Key state modifiers for ctrl/shift/alt/etc.

Definition at line 870 of file CATWindow.cpp.

References CATCURSOR_ARROW, fActiveControl, fCursor, fDragging, fDragLastPoint, CATGuiObj::fHintText, fLastMouseUpdate, fMouseInWindow, fMouseTrackTarget, GetBaseWindow(), CATControl::GetCursor(), CATGuiObj::GetHint(), CATXMLObject::GetParent(), HitTest(), CATControl::IsFocusable(), CATRect::Offset(), OSEndMouseTrack(), OSGetWnd(), OSGetWndRect(), OSHideToolTip(), OSMoveWnd(), OSUpdateToolTip(), OSWndToScreen(), CATControl::SetActive(), SetCursorType(), SetStatusBarHint(), CATControl::TrackMouseMove(), Update(), WindowToWidget(), CATPOINT::x, and CATPOINT::y.

Generated on Mon Feb 11 04:11:26 2008 for Game Accessibility Suite by doxygen 1.5.4